Each year on Holy Saturday, during the Easter Vigil, many are baptized into the Catholic Church. We welcome these new members through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA).
What Are The Steps?

What is OCIA?
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the class where an adult of any
background, non-religious or faith, is able to learn about Catholicism to consider
joining the Catholic Church and also where a baptized Catholic adult is able to
continue learning about their Catholic Faith in order to complete one or more of
their Sacraments of Initiation: Confirmation and First Communion.
Why is OCIA held in high regard?
Many adults today have questions about multiple facets of Catholicism. The OCIA classes held within each Catholic parish allows the relaxed setting where all adults of all faiths or non-religious to attend classes and not only learn about the Catholic Faith, but begin to ponder its mysteries and ask as many questions as their hearts and minds desire. It is a free zone to learn about the Church Christ instituted that still continues to today, and will continue until His Second Coming.

What will I learn in the OCIA class?
You will learn everything from the reason why the Catholic Church is the Church
Christ instituted on earth, to the mystery of the Triune God, to the Sacraments and
why they exist as well as how they are practiced, to Social Justice and Religious
Freedom Issues, to Virtue and Grace, as well as Sin, and the Four Last Things. You
will also learn why you were created and for what purpose. There is no such class as
the RCIA!

How do I join OCIA?
Please click on this link for information on the Holy Cross OCIA program including how to access registration forms.
Registration for this year is now open. Click Here for more information.