Feast of Our Parish: Celebrating Fr. Teo as Pastor

We are delighted to share the joyous news of the feast celebrating the installation of Fr. Teo as the pastor of our beloved parish. On Sunday, September 17, 2023, at the 10 AM Mass, we gathered as a community to witness this significant moment.

The presence of Bishop Frank Dewane, Bishop of the Diocese of Venice in Florida, graced our celebration. With his blessing, Fr. Teo was reinstalled as the spiritual shepherd of our parish.

Following the Mass, we continued our festivities with a heartwarming reception. It was a wonderful occasion for fellowship and sharing in the spirit of faith and community.

Let us rejoice together in this new chapter of our parish life under Fr. Teo’s leadership.

May the Lord continue to shower His grace upon our parish and guide us on this journey of faith.

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