The Legion of Mary is a worldwide organization of lay people, priests, and religious under the patronage of our Blessed Mother; One with mary’s love and mary’s will,
dedicated to bring Christ, Our Lord, to the world and to the souls who need Him, through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The Praesidium of the Legion of Mary at Holy Cross, invites all Catholics 18 years and older to join us in our Ministry. We meet every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. in the Llaria. We invite you to come and see what we are about.
For more information, please contact the parish office.

All men and women wishing to deepen their devotion to our Blessed Mother and to help our parish and community with works of charity are encouraged to attend.

When and Where?

Legion of Mary Meets Every Thursday at 9 Am  in the Conference Room of the Llaria Center.


What Do We Do?

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.

How Does it Work?

Members meet together once a week for prayer, planning and discussion in a family setting; they do a couple of hours of definite work each week in pairs and under the guidance of a spiritual director.

Founder: Frank Duff

Frank Duff was born in Dublin, Ireland on June 7, 1889, the eldest of seven children. In 1916, at the age of 27, he published his first pamphlet, “Can We Be Saints?”. In it he expressed one of the strongest convictions of his life, namely, that all without exception are called to be saints and that through our Catholic Faith we have available all the means necessary to attain this.

In 1917 he came to know the Treatise of St. Louis Marie de Montfort on the “True Devotion of Jesus through Mary”, a work which changed his life completely.

On September 7, 1921 Frank Duff founded the Legion of Mary. This is a lay apostolic organization at the service of the Church, under ecclesiastical guidance. Its two fold purpose is the spiritual development of its members and advancing the reign of Christ through Our Lady.

The Legion is to be found in almost every country in the world with millions of active and many more auxiliary (praying) members.

In 1965 Pope Paul VI invited Frank Duff to attend the Second Vatican Council as a Lay Auditor (an honor by which the Pope recognized and affirmed Frank Duff’s enormous contributions to the lay apostolate), where he received a standing ovation from all the bishops in attendance at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

On November 7, 1980, Frank Duff died and is buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin.

In July 1996, the Cause of his canonization was introduced by the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr. Desmond Connell.

 (Taken from pamphlet produced by the Philadelphia Senatus, 5109 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19141)

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